Spicy hot food with peppers and hot sauce


Spicy hot food with peppers and hot sauce

Dave’s Adjustable Heat

DSCF0012Dave’s Gourmet

Dave’s Gourmet has integrated advanced space-age technology to bring to us a hot sauce so advanced, it requires directions. Dave’s Adjustable Heat Hot Sauce comes in a bottle that has two compartments. One side is filled with hot sauce and the other side with not-so-hot sauce. By turning the dial at the top of the bottle, the user can select the amount of heat they prefer. The sauce is then mixed and dispensed using a pump and spray mechanism.

This is a great idea, one that trumps discussion on the flavor and heat of this sauce. More specifically, I’m not nearly as interested in the variable heat feature as I am in the spray functionality. This sauce distribution system is something that could revolutionize the hot sauce industry.

But seriously, it’s pretty cool. Unfortunately, so is the sauce. Even on the hottest setting, it might pass for medium. The flavor is OK, but it is overshadowed by the spray pump.

Based on a scale of 1 to 10
Heat Rank: 2-4
Flavor Rank: 6

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